NASA、火星の土壌から毒性物質検出か 国際ニュース : AFPBB News


 おっと、断言されとる。つーことは昨日のエントリでの妄想は無意味ね >俺。やっぱこういうもんは原文にあたれないとあかんなぁ。「4日の発表」ってことは元リリースはNASA - NASA Spacecraft Analyzing Martian Soil Dataだろうけど、

The team also is working to totally exonerate any possibility of the perchlorate readings being influenced by terrestrial sources which may have migrated from the spacecraft, either into samples or into the instrumentation.
"When surprising results are found, we want to review and assure our extensive pre-launch contamination control processes covered this potential," said Barry Goldstein, Phoenix project manager at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif.

うーん、これは、コンタミの類じゃないことを断言したいんでour extensive pre-launch contamination control processesreview and assureしたい、とゆーとるように読めるなぁ。はて、AFPBBと俺と、どっちかが誤訳? それとも更に別のソースがあるのかしら。